Terms & Conditions of Adoption


  1. The adopter agrees to donate to Adopt a Golden Nashville an adoption fee required at the time of adoption:Purebred Dogs up to 6 months old: $600
    Purebred Dogs 6 months old up to 1 year old:  $500
    Golden Mix Dogs up to 1 year old:  $400
    Dogs 1 to 4 years:  $375
    Dogs 5 to 8 years:  $325
    Dogs 9 to 10 years:  $250
    Dogs 11 years and older: Donation of Adopters Choice

Senior for Senior Program:  $50 minimum donation for seniors 70+ years old who adopt a Golden 9+ years old

*There is also a $40 NON-REFUNDABLE adoption application fee/tax-deductible donation.*

$50 is refundable with proof of obedience training for any dog of any age adopted from Adopt a Golden Nashville.

The full adoption fee is refundable within fourteen (14) days provided that the adopter personally returns the living dog to Adopt a Golden Nashville and releases Adopt a Golden Nashville of any further liability.

  1. In order to adopt from Adopt a Golden Nashville, adopter agrees to cooperate with the adoption approval process which includes a written application, vet reference check, phone interview and in-home visit (pre and post adoption). Pre-conditions of getting approved to adopt is that all animals in the adopter’s current household are spayed/neutered, current on vaccinations/rabies, receive monthly heartworm preventative and annual vetting (valid reasons for lack of spay/neuter, vaccinations etc, will be given consideration). Titers are accepted.
  2.  The adopter shall be at least 25 years of age. Apartment rentals will not be considered. Rental homes that are detached or semi-detached properties with individual physical fences that are attached to the structure will be considered in the sole discretion of Adopt a Golden Nashville.  To be considered for a rental exception, one must submit written permission to AGN from the landlord/property owner with the application. Written permission must address any breed restrictions and/or weight limit requirements or specifically state that there are no such restrictions.  Written permission must include name, address and phone number of landlord/property owner.  The adopter agrees to provide the dog with a good, loving and safe home with proper care and attention.  The dog is not to ride loose in the back of trucks.  The dog is not to be tethered/chained outside.  The dog is not to be contained by hidden (invisible/electric) fences at any time as AGN requires a physical fence for all adopted AGN dogs.   The dog is not to be outside without supervision or left outside unattended while no one is home.  The dog shall be provided with shade from the sun and protection from the elements when outside at any time and while under supervision. The adopter agrees to provide proper high quality food and water.  The adopter agrees to have a current ID tag on the dog at all times and the microchip updated annually.
  3. The adopter agrees this dog will be examined by a licensed veterinarian at least once each year and will receive adequate vaccinations and treatments to ensure good health.  The adopter agrees this dog will be on monthly heartworm preventative and flea/tick preventative.
  4. In the event Adopt a Golden Nashville discovers the inhumane treatment or neglect of this dog, it is agreed that Adopt a Golden Nashville has the right to immediately take possession of the dog upon written notice to the adopter at the residence of the dog.  It is understood and accepted by the adopter that home visits may be conducted by a person representing Adopt a Golden Nashville to check on the welfare of the above named dog.
  5. Adopt a Golden Nashville makes no warranties or statements regarding the dog’s health or temperament. It is agreed and understood by the adopter that while every effort is made to provide accurate history and assessment of a dog, Adopt a Golden Nashville does not warrant a dog regarding medical status or behavior or disposition.  It is further agreed that environmental changes may effect and change the temperament of the above named dog and that Adopt a Golden Nashville has no liability or responsibility of any nature regarding later defects with the dog,  injuries or damages to any person or property which may be caused by the dog.  Adopt a Golden Nashville is available for consultation, advice and assistance in this and all other areas pertaining to the health, training, compatibility etc, of the adopted dog.  The adopter agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Adopt a Golden Nashville and its members, representatives, officers, directors, agents, and all volunteers against any and all claims for any injury or property damage to the adopter or anyone else.
  6. In the event it is determined by either an Adopt a Golden Nashville representative or the adopter that the dog should not remain with the adopter, it is agreed the dog shall be returned to Adopt a Golden Nashville by the adopter.  The dog may not be transferred to another owner without the express written consent of Adopt a Golden Nashville.  If euthanasia becomes necessary, it is agreed that this will be performed by a licensed veterinarian.
  7. The adopter agrees to not violate any laws or ordinances with the dog.

*This is the form to be signed at the time you bring your new golden home. No need to submit this any sooner.*