Estate Planning
Adopt a Golden Nashville would be honored for you to consider a bequest to our program. Your attorney or legal advisor should provide you guidance and direction. Should you establish such a gift with AGN as beneficiary, please let us know so that we may properly acknowledge your intentions. For many of us, making a gift through our estate is the most realistic way to provide a substantial contribution to Adopt A Golden Nashville. At the same time, a carefully planned estate gift can reduce or eliminate federal estate taxes, depending upon the size of your estate. Although you will want to consult with your attorney when making or revising your will, the following are suggestions for making various types of bequests:

Specific Bequest
Adopt a Golden Nashville receives a stated percentage of the estate, a specific dollar amount, or a specific piece of property. For example, “I bequeath 25% of my estate to Adopt A Golden Nashville, a 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable organization incorporated under the laws of the State of Tennessee, to be used as its Board of Directors deems appropriate.” This is one of the most popular forms of bequests.
Simple Will
“I give, devise and bequeath to Adopt A Golden Nashville, a tax-exempt, 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable organization, the sum of $_______ for their general use….”
Codicil to Existing Will
You can amend your existing will instructing your attorney to insert the above statement in your existing document.
Residuary/Residual Bequest
You can designate that Adopt a Golden Nashville receive all or a percentage of the remainder of your estate after all other commitments are fulfilled.
Adopt a Golden Nashville receives all or a stated percentage of an estate after distribution of specific bequests and payment of debts, taxes, and expenses. For example, “I bequeath 100% of the remainder of my estate to Adopt A Golden Nashville, a 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable organization incorporated under the laws of the State of Tennessee, to be used as its Board of Directors deems appropriate.”
Contingent Bequest
Should any of your beneficiaries pre-decease you, you can bequeath their shares to the Adopt a Golden Nashville as a contingency bequest.
Adopt a Golden Nashville receives part or all of the estate under certain specified circumstances. For example, “If my spouse does not survive me, I bequeath 50% of the remainder of my estate to Adopt A Golden Nashville, a 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable organization incorporated under the laws of the State of Tennessee, to be used as its Board of Directors deems appropriate.”
Gifts of Real Estate
You can make a gift of commercial or residential real estate to Adopt a Golden Nashville and receive substantial financial benefits. If you wish to give the property outright, you qualify for a charitable income tax deduction based on the appraised value of the property. If you are contemplating leaving your home to Adopt a Golden Nashville through your will, you may want to consider giving it now but retaining the right to live in it for your lifetime. You will continue to pay taxes, insurance, and maintenance costs. However, by giving now, you will receive a substantial charitable income tax deduction in the year that the gift is made.
Life Insurance
If your financial house is in order, you can relinquish ownership of your life insurance to Adopt A Golden Nashville, and receive a tax deduction or make AGN a beneficiary.
Retirement Accounts
Adopt a Golden Nashville can also be named the beneficiary of your retirement accounts.
Trust Established Under a Will
A variety of trusts may be established that provide for both Adopt a Golden Nashville and other beneficiaries. Your estate-planning advisor can provide you with additional information that will best meet your individual needs.
Revocable Living Trust
You can provide a gift to Adopt a Golden Nashville through a Revocable Living Trust that permits you to change your mind should you develop unforeseen financial needs.
Charitable Remainder Annuity or Unitrust
Both are irrevocable trusts that provide income to the donor or Adopt a Golden Nashville based on the value of the property given.
Charitable Lead Trust
You may create a trust to provide income to Adopt a Golden Nashville for a specified number of years, after which the principle reverts to the donor or the donor’s heirs.
Workplace Giving
Matching Gift Program
Thousands of companies encourage their employees’ philanthropy through a matching gift program whereby your employer will match your individual donations. Many employers will match an employee’s donation to a charitable organization up to 100%. Check with your employer to see if they will match your donation to Adopt a Golden Nashville.